Get A Good Amount Of Loan Based On Your Car Equity!

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Get Same Day Cash Collateral Loan With No Credit Checks!
November 8, 2019

Instant Funding Within An Hour!

Sometimes you can quickly be approved for the equity loan, but are worried about the amount you can get. Most of the time, your loan amount does not match with your expectations, but because of your financial needs, you have to accept the funds. So it is tough to borrow the right loan amount.

Bad Credit Loans Prince George, provides car equity loans at the best possible interest rates. For the loan approval, you just have to come with your car title, which is used as collateral. Your bad credit doesn’t affect your loan amount. You can apply for a loan even if you have a low credit history.

You can easily borrow an amount up to $25,000 based on your vehicle’s current condition and its market value. The high equity of your car helps you to get a better loan amount. You will get your funds within a couple of minutes.

Reasons to get car equity loans with us:

  • Our application procedure is online; it is a quick and simple process

  • You will receive your amount on the same day of approval

  • Four-year loan term which is the longest in the industry

  • No credit checks are involved in the process

  • You can keep your car and enjoy driving it during the loan session

  • You can pay out the loan amount earlier without any penalty

  • Our monthly payments are very flexible. It is only $99/month

Some necessary documents for the loan procedure:

  • You must have a valid Canadian driver’s license

  • The Documents of your car’s title

  • Proof of vehicle ownership and insurance

  • You should come with your vehicle for inspection

  • The duplicate keys to your car

With car equity loans from Bad Credit Loans Prince George, you can easily borrow the exact loan amount on your vehicle title. Hurry up and call us (toll-free) 1(888) 506-3168 or visit our website today to apply online.